Senwes is one of the leading agri-businesses in South Africa, with clients symbolising the heart of the company. The company is deeply rooted in agriculture and has a rich and proud history which extends over a period of 114 years.

The Senwes app boasts an array of useful and convenience features, it is set to become your one stop integrated shop for all your product and services needs within the Senwes Group of companies.

App Features:

  • Personalised Feed - Scroll through your personalised feed based on your preferences
  • News and Updates - Catch up on your daily dose of real-time news articles on a variety of relevant agri topics
  • Information Alerts - Get instant information alerts within your feed
  • Preferred Content Types - Filter between various content types such as news articles, alerts, videos, advertisements and more
  • Push Notifications - Receive updates on the go with notifications pushed to your smartphone
  • Market Prices - Stay up to date on all the latest grain market prices
  • Market Trends - Follow market prices and indicator trends on a variety of related aspects within the agri sector
  • Customer Statements - Check your account balance and view your monthly statements in PDF format
  • Offline functionality - No connection, no problem. The app will keep the content which loaded the last time you had connection for you to access offline
  • Latest Vacancies - Quickly browse through the latest vacancies in the Senwes Group
  • Products and Services - Get an overview of the Senwes Group with to the point descriptions of all the companies

You can send an email to [email protected] and one of our corporate representatives will contact you to resolve your issue.